Installing an older version of a brew formula
When I installed Hive using Homebrew it installed the latest version (0.12.0 by the time), but when I work with Amazon EMR, their AMI comes with Hive 0.11.x. So I had to downgrade the Hive on my local computer.
First of all, I had to uninstall it:
$ brew uninstall hive
Check with versions were available:
$ brew versions hive
0.12.0 git checkout cc51108 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.11.0 git checkout 9cd8ee0 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.10.0 git checkout 2ce9fe6 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.9.0 git checkout ce2f7e1 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.8.0 git checkout ba14539 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.7.1 git checkout 1c92c25 Library/Formula/hive.rb
0.5.0 git checkout 14e4db3 Library/Formula/hive.rb
Move to brew
install directory (/usr/local
by default):
cd $(brew --prefix)
Now checkout the 0.11.0 version:
$ git checkout 9cd8ee0 Library/Formula/hive.rb
Install Hive:
$ brew install hive
You must leave the the checkout on this version, otherwise on the next brew upgrade
Hive will also be upgraded.