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How-To: Accessing Socialmetrix Quantum API to Create custom Social Dashboards

This is the first post of a series on how to use Socialmetrix Quantum as datasource, which enables you to create custom dashboards or ingest social data into your internal systems empowering your big data initiatives.

To get started, we will login into your Quantum account and get the API authentication token. Don’t have an account yet? Get a free trial!

Making Hadoop 2.6 + Spark-Cassandra driver play nice together

We have been using Spark Standalone deploy for more than one year now, but recently I tried to use Azure’s HDInsight which runs on Hadoop 2.6 (YARN deploy).

After provisioning the servers, all small tests worked fine, I have been able to run Spark-Shell, read and write to Blob Storage, until I tried to write to Datastax Cassandra cluster which constantly returned a error message: Exception in thread "main" Failed to open native connection to Cassandra at {}:9042

Reading compressed data with Spark using unknown file extensions

This post could also be called Reading .gz.tmp files with Spark. At Socialmetrix we have several pipelines writing logs to AWS S3, sometimes Apache Flume fails on the last phase to rename the final archive from .gz.tmp to .gz, therefore those files are unavailable to be read by SparkContext.textFile API. This post presents our workaround to process those files.

Resumen del Taller: Introducción al Desarrollo de Aplicaciones para Big Data

Durante el mes de Agosto, Juan Pampliega y yo recibimos la invitación para armar un taller de Big Data en el Espacio Fundación Telefonica como un complemento a la exposición “Big Bang Data”. Este post es un resumen del evento y las referencias de lectura para los que no tuvieran la oportunidad de participar.

Vagrant + Spark + Zeppelin a toolbox to the Data Analyst (or Data Scientist)

Recently I built an environment to help me to teach Apache Spark, my initial thoughts were to use Docker but I found some issues specially when using older machines, so to avoid more blockers I decided to build a Vagrant image and also complement the package with Apache Zeppelin as UI. This Vagrant will build on Debian Jessie, with Oracle Java, Apache Spark 1.4.1 and Zeppelin (from the master branch).